DMS Board of Directors

The DMS Board of Directors is composed primarily of parents. Parents or legal guardians of children who are currently enrolled, have been enrolled in the past, or, who plan on enrolling in the future at DMS are eligible to serve on the Board. The Board of Directors also includes up to 3 community members; these individuals bring expertise to the board and have a desire to improve the educational and operational experience at DMS.

The Board’s primary responsibilities are to determine and guide the character, mission and culture of DMS, to establish overall policies, to assure the financial stability of DMS and to cause the policies that the Board adopts to be effectively implemented.

Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 6:15 pm at DMS.  Parents are always welcomed and encouraged to attend.

If interested in joining the Board of Directors, please fill out and submit the Board of Directors Interest Form.

If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact the DMS Board of Directors at anytime:

2024-2025 Board of Directors
  • Lyndsey Pfohl (Co-President)
  • Tirzah Richardson (Co-President)
  • Sara Goranson (Secretary)
  • Nathan McCarthy-Gilmore (Treasurer)
  • Tim Connery
  • Sandra Kirkendall
  • Brittany Leibfried
  • Nick Rossman